Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Garden Fresh Salsa

It's time I showed you all what i have been doing with the produce from the garden. I love homemade salsa, but am kinda lazy and don't want to precook the tomatoes and peal them so I tried it with leaving the skins on and it turned out quite fine.

You will need:
3 tbls olive oil
5 qts Tomatoes (about 16 cups chopped)
4-5 cups chopped Peppers (your choice)
2 Large onions (3 cups)
1 whole bulb garlic
2 tbl salt
1 tbl cumin
1 bunch cilantro
2 Lemons (juice & Zest)
Fresh Basil (opt.) to taste
Fresh Oregano (opt) to taste

* keep in mind these are approximate measurements it doesn't need to be perfectly proportioned. The basic ratio is twice as much tomatoes as onions peppers and seasonings. (i.e. 2 cups tomatoes, 1/2 cup onion, 1/2 cup pepper)

Throw everything into a food processor and grind to desired consistency.

Saute onions and peppers in oil and saute about 5 minutes over medium heat.

Add remaining ingredients, bring to a boil then reduce heat so that it simmers. Cook to desired consistency (about 1-2 hours) Adjust seasonings as needed. Feel free to throw this back into the food processor, or use an immersion blender if you want it to be extra fine.

makes 4 quarts

I've read that this needs to be eaten within 2 weeks. I haven't tried preparing it for food storage as I've never had it last that long. But if anyone has advice on how to seal these for long term storage i would appreciate it.

Serve with chips and enjoy!
Printable Recipe


Judy K said...


Anonymous said...

Salsa I've been told is one of those things that is picky about processing. Take a look at this post!

Unknown said...

Wow that salsa looks delicious! I need some advice too on actually canning things. And yes, my nephew is from John's only sister. She is a year younger than he is and has 4 kids. 3 boys and a girl. Logan just got married in July, but none of my other siblings are there yet.