Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Exciting Cakes and Things

A few weeks ago I made this cake.

It was super fun to do, and I definitely will be doing this again.

Some advice when you are making the cake, the faster you work the more crisp your layers, or stripes, will be. Captain kept calling me outside to look at stuff while I was making this so the black and white blurred together in spots.

The cake in actuality is kinda dry and bland. I think I'll try adding some more flavor, or just using this technique with a different recipe next time.

OH if you want a SUPER YUMMY cake recipe, go over to smitten kitchen and try her root beer float cupcakes. I made these and they are by far the best cupcake I've made in a while. I did add a dram of root beer flavoring to the recipe but other than that it was exact. I don't have any pictures because we ate them too fast. I just made them and ate them with ice cream. Next time i'll jsut make a cake and slice it rather than doing cupcakes.

Harvey wants to know what cakes YOU ALL have made recently.

1 comment:

Athena said...

Here at my work we our doing a cookbook for the heart walk and Im going to try those rootbeer float cupcakes, and if they like them we will put it in our cookbook.