Wednesday, July 7, 2010


We went as a group to go see the fireworks on Sunday.

It was well past HArvey's bedtime by the time we got out there, but we distracted him and for the most part he was alright.

I mean, he had a stroller to play with.

And snacks to finagle out of Uncle Garrett.

I got to play with the nighttime setting of my camera to take some pics for the fireworks.

Some were so bright they turned the sky red.

This was my favorite shot from the collection.

And then came the grand finale.

Harvey liked the fireworks this much.

Truthfully, he was just really tired. Once his papa picked him up he just kept pointing to the fireworks.

The park we went to to watch the fireworks had a merry-go-round which, of course, the big kids had to play with.

It was a blast.

What did you all do for the 4th?

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