Sunday, May 22, 2011

First days home

We came home from the hospital on Friday evening, but Harvey and baby Lia didn't really have any sibling time until the next morning.

Harvey is a very proud big brother.

Also, Lia doesn't do much more than sleep right now, but we did catch this video of her with the hicups.


Anonymous said...

How sweet. I remember those every-other-minute newborn hiccups. I started giving Evelyn tiny cups (usually the ones from medicine bottles, but I may have taken a sacrament cup or 2 home with me) with about a teaspoon of water in them- it worked like a charm! Come to think of it, she drank better out of a cup then than she does now!

Athena said...

She is so cute and Harvey Looks like he will be a good big brother. Congrats

Anonymous said...

Hey - I am definitely happy to discover this. Good job!